Minasuk/ May 30, 2017/ Uncategorized

Professional Insecurity in a Fraught Environment | Inside Higher Ed | April 2017 One way of countering a campus culture in which everyone is afraid to speak is to stop relying on student evaluations to assess nontenured faculty, argues Robert Samuels.

/ May 30, 2017/ Uncategorized

Professional Insecurity in a Fraught Environment | Inside Higher Ed | April 2017 One way of countering a campus culture in which everyone is afraid to speak is to stop relying on student evaluations to assess nontenured faculty, argues Robert Samuels.

/ March 4, 2017/ Uncategorized

Stop Problematizing Academic Jargon | Slate | January 2017 It’s easy to mock specialized vocabulary. In these anti-intellectual times, we need it more than ever.

Minasuk/ March 4, 2017/ Uncategorized

Stop Problematizing Academic Jargon | Slate | January 2017 It’s easy to mock specialized vocabulary. In these anti-intellectual times, we need it more than ever.

Minasuk/ July 26, 2016/ Uncategorized

There Is No Excuse for How Universities Treat Adjuncts | The Atlantic | September 2015 Students are paying higher tuition than ever. Why can’t more of that revenue go to the people teaching them?

Minasuk/ June 6, 2016/ Uncategorized

When universities sell their souls, why do they have to sell so cheaply? | Los Angeles Times | July 2014 The case involves Arizona State University, which on Tuesday posted a job for an assistant professor in the history of capitalism and political economy… . As it happens, the appointment is in ASU’s new Center for Political Thought and Leadership,

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Minasuk/ June 6, 2016/ Uncategorized

When universities try to behave like businesses, education suffers | Los Angeles Times | June 2016 Universities are getting cozier with businesses and industrialists, and less discerning about the pitfalls of these relationships, which include accepting donations with strings attached. What’s worse is that universities are adopting the corporate model of profit and loss as though they’re businesses themselves. Students

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Minasuk/ June 2, 2016/ Uncategorized

History isn’t a ‘useless’ major. It teaches critical thinking, something America needs plenty more of | Los Angeles Times | May 2016 I do not agree with “justified by the market” arguments, but, it is what it is. Grrr. Sigh. Over the long run, however, graduates in history and other humanities disciplines do well financially. Rubio would be surprised to

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