Minasuk/ May 30, 2017/ Uncategorized

Photographer of abandoned places | Roman Robroek My name is Roman, a 30-year-old urban-obsessed and award winning photographer, born and raised in the enchanting South of the Netherlands. I shoot unique photos of undisclosed abandoned places. It’s the area of ‘Urban’ Photography.

/ May 30, 2017/ Uncategorized

Photographer of abandoned places | Roman Robroek My name is Roman, a 30-year-old urban-obsessed and award winning photographer, born and raised in the enchanting South of the Netherlands. I shoot unique photos of undisclosed abandoned places. It’s the area of ‘Urban’ Photography.

Minasuk/ May 7, 2016/ Uncategorized

Manifesto of the Paris Commune’s Federation of Artists | Red Wedge | April 2016 The Paris Commune was in essence the first large scale experiment in socialist governance. On March 18th of 1871, radical workers and artisans organized in the National Guard decisively took control of the city as the regular French army fled. Days later, the Commune was elected,

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Minasuk/ September 6, 2015/ Uncategorized

How to access a million stunning, copyright-free antique illustrations released by the British Library In keeping with its ambition to become the world’s most openinstitution of its kind, the British Library has released over a millionpublic domain illustrations and other images to the public throughFlickr for anyone to reuse, remix or repurpose.

Minasuk/ August 17, 2015/ Uncategorized

New edition of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland with Dali artwork! | BoingBoing | August 2015 In celebration of the 150th anniversary of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, Princeton University Press just published a special edition of Lewis Carroll’s classic, illustrated with Salvador Dalí’s incredible 1969 artwork for the story.

Minasuk/ April 25, 2015/ Uncategorized

Washed Up: Alejandro Duran’s Site-Specific Found Plastic and Trash Installations | Colossal | April 2015 Artist Alejandro Duran collects countless bits of trash that washes up from locations around the world. So far he’s discovered plastic debris from dozens of countries on this shore of the Caribbean coast which he utilizes for site site-specific installations for an ongoing project titled

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