Minasuk/ September 30, 2015/ Uncategorized

12 Horrifying Photos of the Tech Industry Apple Never Wants You to See | U.S. Uncut | September 2015 As the American public continues to depend more on digital technology to run society, the US tech industry is booming. New gadgets are flooding the market each year, and the top tech companies — Apple, Microsoft, Google, IBM, HP, and Cisco,

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Minasuk/ September 23, 2015/ Uncategorized

Minneapolis Gets Trashed | Politico | August 2015 How trash is transforming American cities.

Minasuk/ September 7, 2015/ Uncategorized

Working Undercover in a Slaughterhouse: an interview with Timothy Pachirat | Medium | August 2014 Timothy Pachirat is Assistant Professor of Political Science at the University of Massachusetts Amherst and the author of Every Twelve Seconds: Industrialized Slaughter and the Politics of Sight (Yale University Press, 2011), an ethnographic account of his undercover job in a cattle slaughterhouse. “I wanted

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Minasuk/ August 7, 2015/ Uncategorized

Sold: National parks go to the highest corporate bidder | Seattle Times | July 2015 “The corporatization process started with ‘co-branding’ agreements, rationalized by Park Service officials as ‘aligning the economic and historical legacies’ of parks with advertisers. In other words, they’re selling the Park Service’s proud public brand — as well as its soul.”

Minasuk/ July 31, 2015/ Uncategorized

How much oil is used to make plastic? | USEIA | July 2015 In 2010, about 191 million barrels of HGL were used in the United States to make plastic products in the plastic materials and resins industry, which was equal to about 2.7% of total U.S. petroleum consumption. 

Minasuk/ May 18, 2015/ Uncategorized

You have to see these pictures of Seattle’s kayaking climate protesters The kayakivists came out by the hundreds to protest Shell’s plans to use Seattle as a staging ground for its Arctic drilling plans.

Minasuk/ April 25, 2015/ Uncategorized

When Did Humans Start Shaping Earth’s Fate? An Epoch Debate | NPR | April 2015 Some scientists suggest calling the era we live in the Anthropocene, to denote the time when humans came to dominate Earth’s fate. But did it start with farming, the atom bomb or another event?

Minasuk/ April 25, 2015/ Uncategorized

The dystopian lake filled by the world’s tech lust | BBC | April 2015 Hidden in an unknown corner of China is a toxic, nightmarish lake created by our thirst for smartphones, gadgets and green tech, discovers Tim Maughan. “It feels like hell on Earth. Welcome to Baotou, the largest industrial city in Inner Mongolia. I’m here with a group

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