Minasuk/ September 3, 2015/ Uncategorized

Daycare workers allegedly Snapchatted their ‘Fight Club’ for 5-year-olds The first rule of Fight Club is, No children allowed in Fight Club. The second rule of Fight Club is, If you insist on staging fights between children, they should probably at least be your own kids. The third rule? Do not ever, for any reason, use social media to share

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Minasuk/ August 17, 2015/ Uncategorized

People pay $20 to enter Rage Room and destroy things with a bat | BoingBoing | August 2015 In 2013 the Break Club opened in Buenos Aires, Argentina, “where members (predominately women) go to break shit with a stick, shatter bottles against the wall, kick stuff, and all around have the best fifteen minutes of their day.”

Minasuk/ June 30, 2015/ Uncategorized

A Most Dangerous Game | New York Times | June 2015 Welcome to calcio storico, a centuries-old competition in Florence with very few rules and the sort of human wreckage generally associated with the gladiators.

Minasuk/ June 23, 2015/ Uncategorized

‘Fight Club For Kids,’ Read by Chuck Palahniuk | Mashable | June 2015 I am Jack’s exciting new marketing venture aimed at young audiences. Sharing a love for literature with your child is a vital step in creating a lifelong learner. The only problem is, many great books (like, say, Fight Club) aren’t exactly kid-friendly. Luckily, some authors are stepping

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Minasuk/ April 25, 2015/ Uncategorized

The Return of Tyler Durden | The Atlantic | April 2015 Nearly 20 years after the novel’s release, Chuck Palahniuk’s Fight Clubantagonist is back—in comic-book form.

Minasuk/ May 26, 2014/ Uncategorized

Chuck Palahniuk Announces A Graphic Novel Sequel To FIGHT CLUB | July 2013 Huge news out of Comic-Con this past week… . Chuck dropped the news that he’s working on a follow-up to Fight Club … in graphic novel format.