Minasuk/ May 5, 2016/ Uncategorized

Should You Bring Mom and Dad to the Office? | Wall Street Journal | September 2013 Millennials—people born between 1981 and the early 2000s—are much closer to their parents than previous generations, and they have gained a reputation for being coddled by so-called helicopter parents, say researchers who study Millennials. But when they started joining the workforce in the early

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Minasuk/ January 15, 2016/ Uncategorized

The Biggest Body Language Mistakes You Can Make In a Job Interview | Lifehacker | January 2016 Failing to make eye contact: 67 percent Failing to smile: 39 percent Playing with something on the table: 33 percent Having bad posture: 30 percent Fidgeting too much in their seats: 30 percent