Minasuk/ April 21, 2018/ Uncategorized

The Tyranny of Convenience | New York Times | February 2018 But we err in presuming convenience is always good, for it has a complex relationship with other ideals that we hold dear. Though understood and promoted as an instrument of liberation, convenience has a dark side. With its promise of smooth, effortless efficiency, it threatens to erase the sort

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/ April 21, 2018/ Uncategorized

The Tyranny of Convenience | New York Times | February 2018 But we err in presuming convenience is always good, for it has a complex relationship with other ideals that we hold dear. Though understood and promoted as an instrument of liberation, convenience has a dark side. With its promise of smooth, effortless efficiency, it threatens to erase the sort

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Minasuk/ May 5, 2016/ Uncategorized

Photos:  The Real Toy Story | Michael Wolf | September 2006 “Chinese Factory Workers & the Toys They Make,” Imgur, 2013, http://imgur.com/a/wrIds. Pamela Engel, “Step Inside China’s Grueling Toy Factories [PHOTOS],” Business Insider, 25 February 2014, http://www.businessinsider.com/photos-inside-chinas-toy-factories-2014-2?op=1. Stefanie Rüggeberg, “Made in China,” Hamburger Abendblatt, 5 September 2006, http://www.abendblatt.de/kultur-live/article108673293/Made-in-China.html.

Minasuk/ August 17, 2015/ Uncategorized

People pay $20 to enter Rage Room and destroy things with a bat | BoingBoing | August 2015 In 2013 the Break Club opened in Buenos Aires, Argentina, “where members (predominately women) go to break shit with a stick, shatter bottles against the wall, kick stuff, and all around have the best fifteen minutes of their day.”

Minasuk/ April 25, 2015/ Uncategorized

Overpopulation, overconsumption – in pictures | Guardian | April 2015 How do you raise awareness about population explosion? One group thought that the simplest way would be to show people.

Minasuk/ December 28, 2014/ Uncategorized

The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing | Farnam Street | December 2014 We’re surrounded by things only to buy more things. We have no idea what we have or what we need. Worse, most of these things are not things that we love. Getting rid of things and simplifying your life sounds easier than it is. In part because

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Minasuk/ November 11, 2014/ Uncategorized

62p AN HOUR: What women sleeping 16 to a room get paid to make Ed and Harriet’s £45 ‘This Is What A Feminist Looks Like’ T-shirts | Daily Mail | November 2014 Feminist T-shirts proudly worn by Ed Miliband, Nick Clegg and Harriet Harman are made in ‘sweatshop’ conditions by migrant women paid just 62p an hour, a Mail on

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Minasuk/ October 5, 2014/ Uncategorized

The Life of a Plastic Fork | The L Magazine | April 2010 How one little fork is destroying the planet.