Minasuk/ April 21, 2018/ Uncategorized

A Poem About Your University’s Absolute and Unwavering Appreciation of Its Faculty in Spite of Said Faculty’s Crap Salaries | McSweeney’s | April 2018 “When we are not doing somethingMore importantLike asking humanities departmentsTo justify their existence,Preferably in relationship toScience or capitalism.”

/ April 21, 2018/ Uncategorized

A Poem About Your University’s Absolute and Unwavering Appreciation of Its Faculty in Spite of Said Faculty’s Crap Salaries | McSweeney’s | April 2018 “When we are not doing somethingMore importantLike asking humanities departmentsTo justify their existence,Preferably in relationship toScience or capitalism.”

Minasuk/ December 23, 2017/ Uncategorized

END OF SEMESTER BINGO | McSweeney’s | November 2017

/ December 23, 2017/ Uncategorized

END OF SEMESTER BINGO | McSweeney’s | November 2017

Minasuk/ May 3, 2016/ Uncategorized

GET THE TOOLS YOU NEED TO STOP WRITING TODAY! | McSweeney’s | May 2015 Are you a writer? Are words just pouring out of you? Are you excited to wake up each day and get in front of that laptop with a hot cup of coffee and your latest idea? Do you struggle experiencing life as it’s meant to be

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Minasuk/ May 3, 2016/ Uncategorized

I WOULD RATHER DO ANYTHING ELSE THAN GRADE YOUR FINAL PAPERS. | McSweeney’s | May 2016 Dear Students Who Have Just Completed My Class, I would rather do anything else than grade your Final Papers.

Minasuk/ August 27, 2015/ Uncategorized

First Faculty Meeting of the Year Bingo | McSweeney’s | August 2015

Minasuk/ September 28, 2014/ Uncategorized

Cookie Monster Searches Deep Within Himself and Asks: Is Me Really Monster? | McSweeney’s | May 2006 “Me thinks me have serious problem. Me thinks me addicted. But since when it acceptable to call addict monster? It affliction. It disease. It burden. But does it make me monster?”