Minasuk/ August 17, 2015/ Uncategorized

People pay $20 to enter Rage Room and destroy things with a bat | BoingBoing | August 2015 In 2013 the Break Club opened in Buenos Aires, Argentina, “where members (predominately women) go to break shit with a stick, shatter bottles against the wall, kick stuff, and all around have the best fifteen minutes of their day.”

Minasuk/ June 30, 2015/ Uncategorized

A Most Dangerous Game | New York Times | June 2015 Welcome to calcio storico, a centuries-old competition in Florence with very few rules and the sort of human wreckage generally associated with the gladiators.

Minasuk/ April 25, 2015/ Uncategorized

The Return of Tyler Durden | The Atlantic | April 2015 Nearly 20 years after the novel’s release, Chuck Palahniuk’s Fight Clubantagonist is back—in comic-book form.

Minasuk/ May 26, 2014/ Uncategorized

Chuck Palahniuk Announces A Graphic Novel Sequel To FIGHT CLUB | July 2013 Huge news out of Comic-Con this past week… . Chuck dropped the news that he’s working on a follow-up to Fight Club … in graphic novel format.