Minasuk/ March 5, 2016/ Uncategorized

Two Pop Culture Wars: First Over Comics, Then Over Music | New York Times | October 2015 How about this concept for a new movie: A highly ambitious young man kills his father. Then he marries his mother. They have several children together. He becomes a powerful figure. Eventually, though, he is horrified by all he has done, the anguish

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Minasuk/ October 13, 2014/ Uncategorized

In a Hell, but in It Together: The Social Split Between TV and Movie Dystopias | New York Times | October 2014 Dystopian parables like “The Walking Dead,” where zombies rule the earth, are an increasingly fashionable genre of entertainment, but the degree of apocalyptic pessimism is very different depending on the size of the screen. The dividing line between

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