Minasuk/ April 21, 2018/ Uncategorized

A Poem About Your University’s Absolute and Unwavering Appreciation of Its Faculty in Spite of Said Faculty’s Crap Salaries | McSweeney’s | April 2018 “When we are not doing somethingMore importantLike asking humanities departmentsTo justify their existence,Preferably in relationship toScience or capitalism.”

/ April 21, 2018/ Uncategorized

A Poem About Your University’s Absolute and Unwavering Appreciation of Its Faculty in Spite of Said Faculty’s Crap Salaries | McSweeney’s | April 2018 “When we are not doing somethingMore importantLike asking humanities departmentsTo justify their existence,Preferably in relationship toScience or capitalism.”

Minasuk/ December 23, 2017/ Uncategorized

END OF SEMESTER BINGO | McSweeney’s | November 2017

/ December 23, 2017/ Uncategorized

END OF SEMESTER BINGO | McSweeney’s | November 2017

/ May 30, 2017/ Uncategorized

Professional Insecurity in a Fraught Environment | Inside Higher Ed | April 2017 One way of countering a campus culture in which everyone is afraid to speak is to stop relying on student evaluations to assess nontenured faculty, argues Robert Samuels.

Minasuk/ May 30, 2017/ Uncategorized

Professional Insecurity in a Fraught Environment | Inside Higher Ed | April 2017 One way of countering a campus culture in which everyone is afraid to speak is to stop relying on student evaluations to assess nontenured faculty, argues Robert Samuels.

Minasuk/ July 26, 2016/ Uncategorized

There Is No Excuse for How Universities Treat Adjuncts | The Atlantic | September 2015 Students are paying higher tuition than ever. Why can’t more of that revenue go to the people teaching them?

Minasuk/ May 27, 2016/ Uncategorized

Here’s Your Degree. Now Go Defeat Demagogues. | Bloomberg | April 2016 The following is an adaptation of an address to the University of Michigan’s class of 2016. The most useful knowledge that you leave here with today has nothing to do with your major. It’s about how to study, cooperate, listen carefully, think critically and resolve conflicts through reason.

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