Minasuk/ March 4, 2017/ Uncategorized

Stop Problematizing Academic Jargon | Slate | January 2017 It’s easy to mock specialized vocabulary. In these anti-intellectual times, we need it more than ever.

/ March 4, 2017/ Uncategorized

Stop Problematizing Academic Jargon | Slate | January 2017 It’s easy to mock specialized vocabulary. In these anti-intellectual times, we need it more than ever.

Minasuk/ February 26, 2017/ Uncategorized

Overhead Shots Show Massive Women’s March Crowds in Cities Across America | Slate | January 2017 Women’s March crowds at cities across the country on Saturday have grown so large that the only way to capture them is with overhead shots. Below, overhead photos and videos from Washington; Los Angeles; Chicago; New York; Memphis, Tennessee; Nashville, Tennessee; Boston; Raleigh, North

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/ February 26, 2017/ Uncategorized

Overhead Shots Show Massive Women’s March Crowds in Cities Across America | Slate | January 2017 Women’s March crowds at cities across the country on Saturday have grown so large that the only way to capture them is with overhead shots. Below, overhead photos and videos from Washington; Los Angeles; Chicago; New York; Memphis, Tennessee; Nashville, Tennessee; Boston; Raleigh, North

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Minasuk/ January 19, 2016/ Uncategorized

It’s Time to Kill the Student Evaluation | Slate | January 2016 More and more evidence shows bias against female instructors.

Minasuk/ October 26, 2015/ Uncategorized

My fake college syllabus | Slate | January 2013 As your professor, I plan to take your money, never read your essays and pretend you’re not checking Facebook

Minasuk/ August 21, 2015/ Uncategorized

“A Kind of Grad-Student Gaslighting” | Slate | August 2015 Karen Kelsky has made navigating the brutal academic job market her business.

Minasuk/ August 9, 2015/ Uncategorized

Syllabus Tyrannus | Slate | August 2014 Syllabus bloat is more than an annoyance. It’s a textual artifact of the decline and fall of American higher education. Once the symbolic one-page tickets for epistemic trips filled with wonder and possibility, course syllabi are now but exhaustive legal contracts … The syllabus now merely exists to ensure a “customer experience” wherein

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