Minasuk/ May 19, 2016/ Uncategorized

$2,072: 2015 Alaska Permanent Fund dividend amount announced | September 2015 | Alaska Dispatch News Socialism:  evil and un-American? AHEM. Most Alaskans will find themselves $2,072 richer next month when they receive their Permanent Fund dividend checks from the state, an amount unveiled Monday morning at an event hosted by Gov. Bill Walker.

Minasuk/ May 7, 2016/ Uncategorized

Manifesto of the Paris Commune’s Federation of Artists | Red Wedge | April 2016 The Paris Commune was in essence the first large scale experiment in socialist governance. On March 18th of 1871, radical workers and artisans organized in the National Guard decisively took control of the city as the regular French army fled. Days later, the Commune was elected,

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