Minasuk/ May 14, 2016/ Uncategorized

Books are back: Printed book sales rise for first time in four years as ebooks suffer decline | The Telegraph | May 2016 This year’s annual report shows physical book sales up to £2.76 billion in 2015 from £2.748 billion in 2014. Digital sales dropped from £563m to £554m, the first year-on-year fall since 2011 when PA started measuring e-book

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Minasuk/ June 30, 2015/ Uncategorized

The nine circles of hell from Dante’s Inferno recreated in Lego by Mihai Mihu | Telegraph | June 2015 Romanian artist Mihai Marius Mihu spent seven months recreating the hellish  visions of the nine circles of hell from Dante’s Divine Comedy using almost  40,000 Lego bricks.