Minasuk/ April 21, 2018/ Uncategorized

A Poem About Your University’s Absolute and Unwavering Appreciation of Its Faculty in Spite of Said Faculty’s Crap Salaries | McSweeney’s | April 2018 “When we are not doing somethingMore importantLike asking humanities departmentsTo justify their existence,Preferably in relationship toScience or capitalism.”

/ April 21, 2018/ Uncategorized

A Poem About Your University’s Absolute and Unwavering Appreciation of Its Faculty in Spite of Said Faculty’s Crap Salaries | McSweeney’s | April 2018 “When we are not doing somethingMore importantLike asking humanities departmentsTo justify their existence,Preferably in relationship toScience or capitalism.”

Minasuk/ April 12, 2018/ Uncategorized

Female academics: don’t power dress, forget heels – and no flowing hair allowed | The Guardian | October 2014 Women in academia are judged on their appearance. Feminine means frivolous, and those considered scruffy are subject to sexist assumptions

/ April 12, 2018/ Uncategorized

Female academics: don’t power dress, forget heels – and no flowing hair allowed | The Guardian | October 2014 Women in academia are judged on their appearance. Feminine means frivolous, and those considered scruffy are subject to sexist assumptions

Minasuk/ April 8, 2018/ Uncategorized

The Misguided Drive to Measure ‘Learning Outcomes’ | New York Times | February 2018 [T]he ballooning assessment industry — including the tech companies and consulting firms that profit from assessment — is a symptom of higher education’s crisis, not a solution to it. It preys especially on less prestigious schools and contributes to the system’s deepening divide into a narrow

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/ April 8, 2018/ Uncategorized

The Misguided Drive to Measure ‘Learning Outcomes’ | New York Times | February 2018 [T]he ballooning assessment industry — including the tech companies and consulting firms that profit from assessment — is a symptom of higher education’s crisis, not a solution to it. It preys especially on less prestigious schools and contributes to the system’s deepening divide into a narrow

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Minasuk/ December 23, 2017/ Uncategorized

END OF SEMESTER BINGO | McSweeney’s | November 2017

/ December 23, 2017/ Uncategorized

END OF SEMESTER BINGO | McSweeney’s | November 2017