Minasuk/ April 12, 2018/ Uncategorized

Female academics: don’t power dress, forget heels – and no flowing hair allowed | The Guardian | October 2014 Women in academia are judged on their appearance. Feminine means frivolous, and those considered scruffy are subject to sexist assumptions

/ April 12, 2018/ Uncategorized

Female academics: don’t power dress, forget heels – and no flowing hair allowed | The Guardian | October 2014 Women in academia are judged on their appearance. Feminine means frivolous, and those considered scruffy are subject to sexist assumptions

Minasuk/ October 6, 2016/ Uncategorized

White House women want to be in the room where it happens | Washington Post | September 2016 When President Obama took office, two-thirds of his top aides were men. Women complained of having to elbow their way into important meetings. And when they got in, their voices were sometimes ignored. So female staffers adopted a meeting strategy they called

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/ October 6, 2016/ Uncategorized

White House women want to be in the room where it happens | Washington Post | September 2016 When President Obama took office, two-thirds of his top aides were men. Women complained of having to elbow their way into important meetings. And when they got in, their voices were sometimes ignored. So female staffers adopted a meeting strategy they called

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Minasuk/ August 27, 2016/ Uncategorized

Hillary Clinton talks more like a man than she used to | Washington Post | August 2016 In general, women tend to use pronouns (you, theirs), and especially first-person singular pronouns (I, me), more frequently than men. They also use common verbs and auxiliary verbs (is, has, be, go), social (friend, talk), emotional (relieved, safe, kind), cognitive (think, because), and

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Minasuk/ May 27, 2016/ Uncategorized

Even Female Supreme Court Justices Get Interrupted a Lot by Men | Mother Jones | May 2016 Men on the court spent a lot of time interrupting the two youngest female justices, Elena Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor. Sotomayor was interrupted 57 times during arguments, while Kagan got cut off 50 times. The next most-interrupted person on the list was Justice

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Minasuk/ May 7, 2016/ Uncategorized

Talking while female: an expert guide to the things you definitely should not say | The Guardian | May 2016 I don’t want to read any more op-eds about what women should or should not say. Let’s just make things easier for everyone by laying down some ground rules that put a stop to the confusion: a Dictionary of WomanSpeak

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